I Don’t Wanna

Reader Contribution by April Freeman
Published on July 5, 2016
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The past year has been so crazy. It’s been hard, stressful, and difficult.

About a year and a half ago, a close family member became seriously ill. The illness progressed to the point where this family member was bedfast and in need of major assistance. Like families do, we wanted to help as much as possible. We live about 2 hours away from this family member, and that was a huge hurdle. But it was important.

We cleared most of what was not urgent from our schedule to help out as much as we could. Many other family members did the same and they did even more than we did. We lost this precious one in March. But we’re still not back to normal.

See, the spring, summer, fall, and winter of 2015 and up till March of this year was a time when only the most crucial farm tasks were accomplished. Unless it HAD to be done, it didn’t happen.

Much of my garden produce from last year was wasted. If I actually had time to pick the veggies, they sat in a bucket until the tomatoes were soft and the green beans moldy. I just didn’t have the time to process them.

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