Winter here in Nebraska has been wild with temperature swings of 50 degrees or more from day to day. Last week temperatures were single digits with a high of 11 degrees. Today on January 4th the temperature will top 50 degrees. I’ve seen flocks of geese that don’t know whether to go North or South. I suspect plants are having a difficult time to decide if it’s time to grow or sleep. It is shaping up for an interesting year for gardeners. My plans are always larger than I could possibly accomplish but it’s all about a little bit each day and accomplishments will be made.
Yeah, New Year Resolutions. I gave them up many years ago. I now have plans for the new year. Plans can be changed, delayed, or even cancelled if need be. Resolutions for me are destined to be broken in my chaotic life. Every day ends quite differently than what I have planned in the morning. This year my plans have the mantra “Finish it” or in the words of a famous Nebraskan comedian “Let’s get ur done”. I have many projects that are about half done that I started with excitement but were left undone when the excitement left. I know that none of you have have that happen. So the list is long and the plans have been formed. In the words of one of my favorite vlog gardeners, “Just do a little bit and do it often.” So here’s to 2019’s little bit often to finish the undone projects.
There’s no lack of Winter projects. The number one project for the Winter is to finish the kitchen/dining room floor replacement. It’s been under replacement construction since last March. Yeah, it’s one of those unfinished projects that lost it’s excitement.
You might remember this mess that started it all when the refrigerator failed while I was away on a trip for a few days. It looks like it had been failing for a long time and I didn’t know it. So the process began in March and is down to the final thrust to finish up the process.
The new fridge and floor is in place in the kitchen area but the dining room area has to be completed.
I have a good friend that doesn’t have a car but likes to visit thrift stores. So a couple times a month I drive her around to do shopping for groceries and stop at a couple thrift stores. She knows that I like gardening and is always on the look out for garden books. She came across the mother of all organic garden books for only $.25.
This book is in perfect condition with over 700 pages of Rodale style information on all aspects of organic gardening. It was printed in 1953 when organic gardening was just being started. Fascinating stuff about composting, bug control, soil life, disease prevention, wild life protection and so much more. It has quickly become my favorite book. I am forever grateful to my friend for watching out for things that interest me.
The seed catalogs are starting to arrive in the mailbox which means it’s time to think about ordering seeds. My imagination always runs wild and I end up with more seeds than I need or could possibly use. Every year I promise myself not to go over board but so far it hasn’t worked.
I have much to do in my seed starting area. I am going completely rebuild the seed starting area to make it bigger and better. I need more seed starting space to grow flowers this year. I’ve not tried to grow flowers before but I am giving it a try this year. I’m starting with something easy. Marigolds maybe. I like Marigolds and they are said to be good for repelling pests in the garden and attracting bees. Both are beneficial.
I have plans for Terra Nova Gardens this year.
This is not what you want your garden to look like. Due to many higher priorities 2018, it was not a good garden year. The garden for 2019 will look much better. There are 12 beds in this garden but in 2019 six beds will rest and six will be used to grow vegetables. The six unused beds will be covered with tarps and reconditioned one at a time. Hopefully, it will be more manageable.
Well, that’s all for this week. Have a great day in what ever you are doing and enjoy the Winter rest because Spring is coming and it will soon be garden time once again.
Nebraska Dave