Everything Has a Beginning

Reader Contribution by Ann And Nick
Published on August 12, 2014
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Hi! We are Ann Swiskoski and Nicholas Dimmig. We are teens who have always loved nature and gardening, and we have been gardening separately before this year, when we decided to have a garden together. It turned from just a little dream Ann had to a little project to call our own; and with the help of her great-grandmother (who gave us $20 to start), we made that dream become so much more.

Photo: iStockphoto.com/mishooo

We now do a small-scale business we had christened AnNick’s Garden after a common nickname our friends called us. We then were given the suggestion to change it to AnNick’s Organics and loved the name. We are learning many new things we would love to share, along with the stories of trials, and stories of humor. We are organically gardening pumpkins, tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, and yellow wax snap beans this year and hope to expand to more next year.

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