Berry Days Ahead

Reader Contribution by Jen Ubelaker
Published on May 22, 2014
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I-pick, U-pick, we all pick … yeah ….

One of my favorite things about more sustainable living is the solitude. I work in my garden daily, and of course the hound and the chickie-babies need tending so there’s always something for me to do. It’s infinitely calming and therapeutic for me to just be by myself. My husband laughs that I’m happy as a clam just standing in the yard, hula-hoe in one hand, surrounded by chickens and basically being the queen of all I survey. Not a bad gig, if you can get it.

Because it’s our first year at the new house, and because our strawberry bed is in its infancy, I had to find some alternatives to stock up my pantry. I could go for a season without strawberry jam, but who can deny children? My sister lives in a pretty arid part of the country and when she told me her kids actually prefer Aunt Jenny’s stuff to candy? I always make double so I can see these little smiles.

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