7 Options to Make Your Homestead More Eco-Friendly

Reader Contribution by Megan Wild
Published on June 22, 2016
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Given the recent emphasis on homesteading and self-sustainable living, as well as increasing interest in environmental protection and preservation, homesteaders and farmers of today have a lot to consider. Not only will their actions affect the future of our nation’s farms, but they will also have an impact on food quality and production across the United States.

Rotate Your Crops

Crop rotation is a technique that has been used by highly successful farmers for centuries. Rotating your crops on a seasonal basis provides many benefits, but the practice ultimately serves to maintain the health and nutrition of your farmland’s soil.

Potatoes, for instance, can produce specific fungi that damages future potatoes. In order to circumvent this, farmers simply plant their crops in different positions than the previous year. The fungi doesn’t attack other crops, but planting more potatoes in the same spot will doom them.

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