10 Important Steps to Preparing Your Homestead for Summer

Reader Contribution by Kacey Bradley
Published on May 13, 2019
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Whether you’re a self-sustained homesteader or new to the lifestyle, there are several steps you should take to get your home and your family ready for summer. Now is the best time to get outside and make adjustments for the warmer weather, from checking for roof damage to tuning up your lawnmower.

1. Look for Damage

Get outside and look at your home. Do you see any noticeable damage from winter? Check your siding to look for any missing or damaged pieces, which can result from heavy winds. Check the state of insulation around your windows and doors, as leaks can cause increased energy bills and allow bugs and mice to enter your home. Preparing your home for summer means assessing the damage and giving yourself ample time to make repairs.

2. Clear the Gutters

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