Preparing the Spring Garden

Reader Contribution by Faithful Homesteader
Published on March 29, 2018
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I can hardly keep track of everything that we have going on in the garden this spring. Because of the success of the in-ground beds last year, we are sticking with the same plan for this year. We have fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers. If all goes well, we should have plenty to eat and be able to save on our grocery bill.

This year I actually tried to do a little bit of plowing for the first time. I did a couple of sections and now I know just how hard of a job it is. I need to build my strength back up so that it won’t be quite so difficult. I also did some raking after I plowed. Now my husband can’t say I didn’t do anything with the garden. He is the one with the green thumb so he naturally does most of the gardening.

We have about half an acre of land in a normal residential neighborhood. We take advantage of most of the space. We have crops and trees growing in the front yard as well as the backyard. We have two peach trees up front and I am still not over the fact that someone stole all of our peaches last year. I do not want that to happen again.

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