Even though it is not technically summer quite yet, it sure has felt like it. We have been able to harvest some things like our squash and peppers.
The fish seem to be enjoying the new pond and we finally seem to have a handle on the mosquito population. There is lots of life and activity on the homestead.
I am so happy that this year we have been able to enjoy the peaches off of our trees. Last year was the first year for the trees and we actually had peaches since my husband planted at just the right time. Unfortunately, someone helped themselves to all of our peaches and we didn’t even get one last year.
Our squash had been doing pretty well and I love to make noodles with it for spaghetti. We are starting to lose the plants to a worm that always seems to strike.
I am planning to make a squash bread with some of the larger squash. I may also make some fried squash to add some variety.
Our peppers always do well and I love the looks of the bright-colored ones. I think the orange ones are my favorite because the color is just so vibrant. We had been getting a good amount of asparagus, but it seems we are coming to the end of it for the season.
This year we are growing eggplant and they are getting close to being ready to harvest. I am not sure how big they should be before they are ready to pick.
The kale has been great for smoothies and I have also used it to add to a mackerel salad. My husband said that he is going to start eating it too.
I am not sure if the corn is doing well. I sure hope that we do end up with some. It was so good last year and I have not had any good tasting corn in quite a while.
The blackberries are doing well and they make a nice treat for my husband to take with him for a snack. We are also growing blueberries, but don’t expect them to do anything this year.
We are slowly getting some tomatoes, but we usually have them well into early fall. The ones we plant are quite heat tolerant.
Spaghetti sauce is my favorite way to enjoy the tomatoes. We will probably end up making chili even though it is more of a cold weather dish. We like it because it is easy to make.
If the birds don’t get them, we should end up with quite a bit of grapes this year as well. We may have plenty to share with the chickens.
We usually have at least a watermelon or two to share with them as well. I am actually not a big watermelon fan, but my husband and chickens sure are.
I really like that we planted more flowers this year. My husband planted some flowers that he doesn’t even remember what they are. I think we have zinnias. He planted some other flowers that are said to attract hummingbirds.
We love our hummingbirds. We have a lot of marigolds and giant sunflowers as well. Sunflowers are my favorite. They do a great job of attracting birds and the squirrels love them too.
I hope we do get to enjoy the garden for a bit longer. It is certainly a lot hotter early on and perhaps that is going to affect things in a negative way. We will just have to enjoy what we have for as long as we have it to enjoy.
Photos property of The Faithful Homesteader.