My daughter and I entered the county fair again this year, I entered some dried herbs, jam, and photos that I had taken, and she entered some photos and a elephant she had crochet. We were there bright and early before church Sunday morning to hand the entries in to the judges, with the judging starting that afternoon.
We would have loved to go back out to the fair on Monday, because the suspense was killing us, but things kept getting in the way. It was finally Wednesday that we got a chance to get back out to the County Fair and see how we did. Trying to act calm as we went to each table, we found that I had won third place in the dried herb department and my daughter received second place for her crochet work. Not too bad for the first time I’ve dried herbs and her first year of learning how to crochet. We are pretty happy – next year well have fun and do it again, after we take some photography classes.
What’s a fair of course without rides, elephant ears, a crocodile man, and then there are the exhibit barns. The gardening exhibit is real a good one of course, the cows are neat, the minature horses are so cute, oh but the chickens they are the best. I wish I could have chickens here at home but the ordinaces here say no. I guess I have chicken fever cause I look at them all the time and I found the one I would raise if I had the chance. My husband, Bat, just shakes his head.