Backyard Garden Growing Experiment

Reader Contribution by Nebraska Dave
Published on April 19, 2010
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Hey, I’m so glad to see you’re back again. I made it back from my trek across Central America and if you really want to read about it, you can go to my personal blog.

It’s time to grab a cup of coffee sit back and let me take you on a tour of the Urban Backyard Garden Bio-intensive Vertical Raised Bed Growing Experiment. These pictures were all last fall when the warm weather of November was wafting across the land, and life was good. It did abruptly end when the subzero weather of December hit. Ah but that’s just a story to tell the Grandkids about some day.

So here’s my Urban ranch. Over on the left you can see Old Syc the Sycamore tree. He’s kind of the nuisance of the neighbor hood. He has big hand sized leaves that dribble off all fall and Winter. Because of the big leaves the slightest breeze will blow them all over the neighborhood which is good for me but everyone knows where they came from ’cause old Syc is the only Sycamore tree for miles around. On the right with only one branch showing is Elmer the Elm Tree. He’s always very nice and quiet and at the mention of frost he does a total leaf drop overnight. The Cedar Tree by the car goes by the name of CC short for Cecelia. She’s been trying to take over the drive way for years and I’ve had to keep her in check with an annual shearing. Let’s walk over to the left passed old Syc to the West side of the house. Watch your step now those leaves are a little slippery and lawn has some hidden holes.

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