A Year of Drought Recovery

Reader Contribution by Joan Pritchard
Published on April 5, 2012
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Last year was the worst for gardening since my return swing to Kansas twenty years ago.  We had excessive heat for weeks and went without rain even longer.  The National Weather Service states the average high temperature for Wichita during June-August was 98.3; the minimal rainfall was ineffective.

Kansans are often criticized for their talk of the weather, but it is a critical part of our lives.  Ever watch 120 acres of soy beans fry in the heat?  Have you watched as your entire crop simply withered and laid its head to the earth to die?  We talk of weather because we depend on it every year of our lives.

I stood in grocery lines as neighbors told me they had no tomatoes.  We had few squash, melons, or even root crops.  We were skunked.

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