A Hitch In My Asparagus Plans

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Quinn
Published on April 7, 2016
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One of my goals for this year was to put in a good-sized asparagus bed, in a well-thought-out location. In 2014 I had put in eight plants — three in isolated beds where they seem to be doing okay but not great, and five in a location that turned out to be terrible.

The gardening experts say to plant your asparagus in your best garden soil, in a location where they won’t shade other plants. After giving it some thought no area stood out as having particularly good soil, but I thought of a very convenient location on the north side of the garden where there was plenty of room. So last fall I broadforked it and covered it with several inches of compost, including some goat bedding donated by a friend.

Last week I set about preparing a trench for the eight new crowns I had recently bought. The instructions on the bag said to dig a trench 12 inches deep. Horrors— that’s a lot of digging, I thought. Still, I got busy and after at least five hours of digging — spread out over three sessions — I had a good long trench that was mostly 9 to 11 inches deep. I must say, though, I had my doubts about making it that deep, since the last few inches involved breaking up hard clay and big rocks with a mattock. Asparagus is supposed to require well-drained soil, so I wondered how that was going to work.

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