6 Ways to Spruce Up Your Homestead on a Budget

Reader Contribution by Kacey Bradley
Published on November 18, 2020
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Wintertime is the ideal time for getting your homestead in shape. The insects have gone away, and plants have died, making landscaping chores a breeze. Frigid temperatures drive you indoors, where you naturally want to create a more pleasing environment.

What can you do to fix up your home if you’re on a tight budget? Quite a lot, as it turns out. From increasing your energy efficiency to upgrading your home’s look, you can make yourself say, “there’s no place like home” at the end of each day.

1. Caulk and Weather Stripping

Do you feel a chill when you sit near a window? If so, it’s time to do some work on improving your energy efficiency. You do have to spend a small amount to purchase supplies, but you’ll reap the rewards in terms of lower utility bills. Begin by doing an audit. Walk the perimeter of your home, stopping at each door and window. If you feel a chill, you need to invest in weather stripping and caulk.

Caulk plasters over gaps in immovable objects like stationary windows, while weatherstripping protects moving parts. Both keep cold air from entering through the cracks. Put a cover over your kitchen exhaust vent to prevent leaks, and add a strip of caulk anywhere plumbing or ducts come through your walls.

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