<p>We’ve been fortunate to have a <a title=”2009 Polaris Ranger XP” href=”http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/Ranger/2009/700/XP/Pages/features.aspx” target=”_blank”>
<font color=”#0000ff”>2009 Polaris Ranger XP</font>
</a> at the farm for the past few months. The machine has come in handy pulling the <a title=”DR Field and Brush Mower” href=”http://www.drpower.com/TwoStepChapterHTMLPage.aspx?Name=FieldBrush2Step&Chap=FABTowBehindChapter&Page=FABTowFast&SiteEntryMode=0&BC=0%3aHome%7c2%3aDRPowerHome%7c3%3aFieldBrush2Step&LinkType=3″ target=”_blank”>
</a> and <a title=”Polar” href=”http://www.polartrailer.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductId=8b6b570c-4b18-49f6-8b50-98f200fd328a” target=”_blank”>
<font color=”#0000ff”>Polar</font>
</a> and <a title=”Agri-Fab” href=”http://www.agri-fab.com/products/45-0350.aspx” target=”_blank”>
<font color=”#0000ff”>Agri-Fab</font>
</a> trailers on various pasture maintenance and wood harvesting adventures. As a motivator, the Polaris Ranger XP is powerful, comfortable and more than able. But it is so much more than that.</p>

<p>The Polaris Ranger XP has become my favorite tool for fencing. The ample cargo bed handles 6-foot T-posts and all manner of step-in poly posts with ease. There’s plenty of room for buckets of tools, spools of wire and post drivers, and the machine makes an excellent anchor platform for pulling wire tight. What strikes me most about the 2009 Polaris Ranger XP is that it starts right up, every time, and is ready to go more or less instantly. No more manual choking and coaxing a cool engine to life, only to move 100 yards down the line. I credit the machine’s fuel-injected 700 cc engine and electronic management system for that.</p>

<p>With its bench seat, the Polaris Ranger XP has plenty of room for a helper and a couple of dogs. We have successfully un-spooled miles of wire with me tending the jenny and Kate at the wheel. The Polaris Ranger is much easier to fence with than a pickup truck or tractor. It is more nimble than either, has sufficient cargo capacity and is easier to get into and out of. When I was a youngster, ease of ingress and egress wasn’t much on my mind, but today, several decades later, it is a serious concern. The Polaris also offers a comfortable ride, and plenty of get up and go when you need to run a couple of miles back to the barn for another box of staples.</p>

<p>I am sure we have only begun to tap into the utility and fun that the Polaris XP utility vehicle can provide. Stay tuned for updates.</p>
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<a href=”http://www.grit.com/biographies/oscar-h-will” target=_self>Hank Will</a>
<em> raises hair sheep, heritage cattle and many varieties of open-pollinated corn with his wife, Karen, on their rural Osage County, Kansas farm. His home life is a perfect complement to his professional life as editor in chief at GRIT and Capper’s Farmer magazines. Connect with him on </em>
<a title=Google+ href=”https://plus.google.com/u/0/117459637128204205101/posts” target=_blank rel=author>Google+</a>.</p>