2009 Polaris Ranger XP 700 EFI: The Ultimate Fencing Tool

Reader Contribution by Hank Will and Editor-In-Chief
Published on December 2, 2008
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<p>We’ve been fortunate to have a <a title=”2009 Polaris Ranger XP” href=”http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/Ranger/2009/700/XP/Pages/features.aspx” target=”_blank”>
<font color=”#0000ff”>2009 Polaris Ranger XP</font>
</a> at the farm for the past few months. The machine has come in handy pulling the <a title=”DR Field and Brush Mower” href=”http://www.drpower.com/TwoStepChapterHTMLPage.aspx?Name=FieldBrush2Step&Chap=FABTowBehindChapter&Page=FABTowFast&SiteEntryMode=0&BC=0%3aHome%7c2%3aDRPowerHome%7c3%3aFieldBrush2Step&LinkType=3″ target=”_blank”>

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