New publication spotlights rural Maine women entrepreneurs and their businesses.
Fourteen women in Maine took time to talk with writers and editors for the publication Telling Their Stories: Women Business Owners in Western Maine, published cooperatively by Western Mountains Alliance, Coastal Enterprises Inc., and the University of Maine at Farmington’s Women’s Studies Program.
The rural Maine women entrepreneurs allowed access to their businesses, shared their stories and spoke of their goals and dreams, all in an effort to help other rural entrepreneurs, and other women, in their endeavors. The publication also takes a close look at rural Maine, the communities, culture and character, and how the environment helped shaped each business.
While the book focuses on Maine entrepreneurs, it is applicable to all rural America. Every rural community/area has talented and creative residents who may benefit from the experiences of others, and who might be ready to take their own steps toward creating a successful business venture. This publication might just be the inspiration needed.
Copies of Telling Their Stories: Women Business Owners in Western Maine can be downloaded from the Western Mountains Alliance website at
— information from the Center for Rural Affairs,