On the Bright Side: Ideas for Extra Basil

By Hank Will
Published on August 28, 2012
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Fresh basil leaves turn into tasty pesto that you can enjoy months later on a sandwich, in a pasta salad or on homemade pizza.
Fresh basil leaves turn into tasty pesto that you can enjoy months later on a sandwich, in a pasta salad or on homemade pizza.
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Fresh basil leaves turn into tasty pesto that you can enjoy months later on a sandwich, in a pasta salad or on homemade pizza.
Fresh basil leaves turn into tasty pesto that you can enjoy months later on a sandwich, in a pasta salad or on homemade pizza.

We’ve experienced a significant drought in Kansas this summer. Our pastures are in poor condition, several hackberry trees changed color and dropped some leaves in early July, and even the lambsquarters (Chenopodium species) are stunted and wilted. Hot and dry and windy, whew! In spite of it all, we have a bumper crop of basil this year — we harvest it one day and it pretty much grows back the next. We have basil growing in the garden, we have basil growing in an old washtub, and we have basil growing in an old window box liner. Basil seems to love the hot and dry conditions — though yes, we water it now and then — and basil-eating bugs are scarce this year.

Ideas for Extra Basil

So what do we do with all that basil, you might wonder? We use it to make caprese salads with fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes, extra-virgin olive oil and fresh mozzarella cheese. We also use fresh basil as a zesty garnish for pasta salads, and arrange the largest leaves as a topping on homemade pizzas.

Since we live on pasta and homemade pizza for much of the winter, we also convert that beautiful basil bounty into pesto — and freeze it in half-pint containers. I’m happy to report that despite the drought, we’ll have plenty of summer sunshine to enjoy at the supper table long after the days grow shorter and colder.

If you find yourself with a bounty of basil, here’s a great way to preserve it:

1/3 cup toasted pine nuts

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