You Know You're A Farmer's Wife When…

Reader Contribution by Wendy Slatt
Published on May 24, 2012
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Whether it’s three or three hundred acres, I think we can all agree that being a farmer is a combination of heart, determination and ingenuity.  But what does it take to be a farmer’s wife?  As a former urban-dweller, I pondered this a lot when we first moved to the country.  After several years’ experience, I think I’ve found some answers.  How do you know you’re a farmer’s wife?

You know you’re a farmer’s wife when:

. . . you can spot a ripe tomato in the garden from 300 yards away.

. . . between May and September, every page of your prayer journal mentions rain at least three times.

. . . your husband says, “I’ll pick up dinner on the way home tonight,” and heads out with his shotgun.

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