Waste Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Reader Contribution by Cindy Murphy
Published on October 21, 2010
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A visit to the farmers market here in town is a perfect way to spend an early morning in October for both locals and out-of-town visitors.

The day could not have been more beautiful.Bright, sunny, and warm for October, it was the most perfect of days for my family to get trashy in public. Oh, we’ve been trashy for years, but it’s always been at home, and never in full view for all the world to see…or at least everyone who was at the farmer’s market that day.

As part of 350.org‘s “10/10/10 Global Work Party,” I volunteered to save our family’s recycling for one month as a good visual to show what a typical family of four can do to help reduce the carbon level in the atmosphere in just a very short time.It was displayed at a recycling booth set up by a group of volunteers concerned about the world’s climate change issue.

In Harlem, New York City and in Auckland, New Zealand, white roof projects took place. High school students in Toronto, Canada had a “Pack a Waste-free Lunch” day. In Taiwan, 350 people flew 350 white kites emblazoned with the number 350 in the skies over Taipei for the price of telling 10 people about the importance of the number 350.That’s 3,500 more people made aware of the climate change issue! Community gardens were started, solar panels installed, trees planted, and beaches cleaned of trash.These are just a handful of 7,347 events in 188 countries that took place on October 10th, or thereabout.

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