United States Postal Service Factoids

By Linda Shockley
Published on May 1, 2007

The United States Postal Service does all of the following, and more.

  • Delivers 213 billion pieces of mail to more than 146 million homes, businesses and post office boxes in virtually every state, city and town in the country, including Puerto Rico, Guam, the American Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
  • Handles more than 44 percent of the world’s card and letter mail volume – delivering more mail to more addresses and to a larger geographic area than any other postal service in the world.
  • In 2005, 400 employees were recognized as heroes – by risking their own lives to save the lives of the customers they serve.
  • Employees pledged nearly $39 million in 2005 to their favorite charities through the Combined Federal Campaign.
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