Thunderstorms & Tornados: Anticipation, Awareness, & Reaction Time

Reader Contribution by Kyle Ferlemann
Published on May 4, 2020
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Photo by Pixabay/veverkolog

As if the Covid-19 pandemic was not enough to worry about, there are still our standard seasonal concerns. Springtime is prime time for thunderstorms and tornadoes. Now is the time to make sure to be aware and prepared to react to these potentially life-threatening events.

Severe weather is rapidly becoming an increasingly frequent fact of life. This has always been the case in the central US along what is known as “Tornado Alley”. Tornado alley is a swath of land that runs from central Texas up through Oklahoma and Kansas, and on into Nebraska. Although perhaps more frequent in that region, tornadoes and thunderstorms are common in other parts of the country as well.

These severe storms can develop quickly but they are not random. Atmospheric conditions must be right for these storms to develop, and there in lay the secret to dealing with them. The trick for staying safe from tornadoes and thunderstorms is anticipation, awareness, and reaction time.

Anticipation, Awareness, and Reaction Time

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