States Lead Energy Push

By Grit Magazine
Published on April 30, 2008
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Major environmental groups have begun urging Congress to follow the lead of 21 states in promoting clean energy. Environment America, joined by the Sierra Club and the National Audubon Society, issued a report, “America’s Clean Energy Stars: State Actions Leading America to a New Energy Future,” which singled out states for their clean energy policies in five areas: renewable electricity standards, the Clean Cars Program, energy efficiency standards and programs, energy efficiency standards for appliances, and building energy codes.

Leading the charge were California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island and Washington, receiving top honors as “gold star” states for adopting strong policies in at least four areas. Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Pennsylvania and Vermont earned “silver star” status with strong policies in two areas and meaningful policies in one or two others. “Rising star” designations, recognizing recent actions to promote clean energy, went to Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Wisconsin.

The report is posted on the Web site

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