
Reader Contribution by Becky And Andy
Published on May 21, 2013
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I posted my last entry on Friday the 17th on here as well as our personal blog and broadcast it through many of my networks to raise awareness of Vernon Hershberger’s trial and I definitely got a response. We have been blogging for six years this June and of all our posts, The Quiet War on Our Farmers has the most hits by far. 

That’s good. Really good. Most of the hits came the day I posted it. 

Now here’s the interesting part. Saturday night, we got a call from the Wisconsin Department of Justice and suddenly, after months of knowing about us and our story, they won’t need our testimony. Our subpeonas had officially been released and we would not be needed as witnesses for the state. 

I’ve been around this arena far too long for me to consider this coincidence. 

I held off blogging publicly about our involvement in the trial in the best interest of the defense and our friends who are deeply involved in Vernon’s case. Then, within 24 hours of posting a tell-all blog (not really telling it all, though…trust me), we get contacted to let us know we are no longer needed.   

I admit, Andy and I are relieved only for the simple reason that we are about to move and close on a house in the country. This week is needed for packing, prepping and cleaning. Having to be “on call” for the state all week was a huge pressure for us. However, now that we won’t be physically traveling to the court room, we’ll be watching the headlines all week to see how it goes. And really, our problem of moving during this time is nothing compared to what Vernon and his family have been going through. I almost feel ashamed to compare our situation to his dire one. 

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