A Missouri Garden Hits a Recycling Record

By The Grit Magazine Editors
Published on January 1, 2007
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Steven Cline, manager of the William T. Kemper Center for Home Gardening, oversees the recycling collection process at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis.

The Missouri Botanical Garden hits a recycling record and in turn, helping the environment.

The Missouri Botanical Garden takes its recycling program seriously. For the 2006 collection period, the garden hits a recycling record, keeping 70,000 pounds of waste from going to landfills.

The program collects plastic gardening containers, poly cell packs and trays during six weekend drives in May and June. The garden’s efforts were supplemented by contributions from four gardening centers and two recycling centers.

“There is an infectious nature about gardeners wanting to do the right thing and recycle their pots and trays,” says Steven Cline, manager of the William T. Kemper Center for Home Gardening at St. Louis’ Missouri Botanical Garden.

Cline founded the Pot Recycling Program, and he has managed the program since its 1997 beginnings. “We continue to see increased participation each year, which has inspired us to expand the program.”

He says the program will be looking to add more off-site collections.

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