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Reader Contribution by Becky And Andy
Published on October 4, 2013
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The last time I posted, I was talking about a trial that Andy and I had just been released from being witnesses in. The trial was for Vernon Hershberger and at the time of the post, it was unclear the result. Most thought he would be jailed and fined to the full extent of the law. A few of us hoped and prayed he would come out victorious.

Having the cushion of several months, I can tell you that Vernon did indeed come out victorious. Despite every attempt by the prosecution and the judge to strangle out the details, the jury of peers acquitted him of three out of four counts of criminal activity and violations. Then, once released from the trial, over half of the jury learned the “whole truth” of the story and came to Vernon’s sentencing. Four or five of them wrote personal letters to the judge asking for leniency on the sentencing because in their words, had they known what the trial was actually about [not violating regulations but food freedom and raw milk], they would have acquitted Vernon of all four counts. The state, on the other hand, asked for punishment to the full extent of the law. The judge said that never in his career had jurors returned to him after a case was decided and asked him to change their decision.

This moved him so much that he only fined Vernon a nominal amount based on the fourth count, and one of the jurors along with two of his farm members paid the fine in full on the spot. The whole event ended with the crowds singing “Amazing Grace” on the court steps.

Three of the jurors became members of Vernon’s farm buying club.

Wow. Just wow. A testament to the court system actually doing its job and the effect ordinary people can have on the lives of others if only they just stop and give a darn!

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