Bucket Lists Supercede New Year’s Resolutions

Reader Contribution by Lois Hoffman
Published on December 31, 2015
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As another year draws to a close people start to think about the New Year and fresh starts, turning over new leafs and … you guessed it, New Year’s resolutions. Really. Has there ever been anyone who has ever kept a New Year’s resolution for a whole year? I know I have not, yet every year we do it all over again.

Not me, not this year. Instead of making resolutions I am going to revise my bucket list. After all, things on a bucket list are things you want to do, not things you should do so it should be really easy to keep. Besides, if I print it here for everyone to read, then the pressure is really on to live up to it. So, what’s on my bucket list? Here goes …

1. I want to try cross-country skiing. Mind you, I did not say downhill, I do not have a death wish. Even Wyatt and Wade don’t know if they want to try this out with me. That’s all right, I am perfectly capable of making a fool of myself all by myself.

2. You know all those autumn photos you see of the wild geese flying in front of the full moon? I have tried on many a moonlit night to capture that scene. I have spent endless hours with my camera set up, freezing, waiting for the geese to fly in front of the moon, freezing, and all to no avail, freezing. But I will keep trying until I get the shot. I could buy a dozen of them but I want my own. Why? I’m not really sure, I just do and that’s good enough to be on a bucket list.

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