My Reminder

Reader Contribution by Becky And Andy
Published on November 12, 2010
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Good Evening, Friends.

It’s been two months and I have not posted here. Two whole months of our lives, gone from these pages and yet so busy that I could barely tell you succinctly what was going on.

But two months is nothing compared to the nearly two years that I’ve been waiting to watch a movie. That’s right, a movie. And that movie has everything to do with this blog right here and the priorities in my life.

When Ethan was barely a month old, Andy and I were visited briefly by our missionary friend Alice and her prayer partner. Amidst talking about the farm (Alice was key in our mandate at Foxwood), she asked if we had ever seen Julie and Julia. I had heard of it, but hadn’t really taken interest. Our time for movies is rather limited, as you might imagine. But it caught my interest when Alice explained that it was a true story of a woman who began a blog and eventually wrote a book about her experience. Alice is one of our sprititual mentors and when they suggest you watch a movie, well, you do it.

Unfortunately, for the next year and half, we either didn’t think about it or the library was out of its copies. (Do you think we have a budget for renting??) Eventually, it became a here and there thought on the back burner and in time, I didn’t think of it at all.

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