Making Water

Reader Contribution by Lois Hoffman
Published on June 30, 2017
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Air and water — without these two elements life cannot exist, and concerns are continuously being raised regarding purity and availability of both. Growing up I never dreamed that people would be buying their water, and now it is becoming the norm.

Current water suppliers are failing to meet the worldwide demand. When water quantities become low, water quality also suffers. The World Bank estimates that 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, resulting in the deaths of 3.6 million people annually. If the present water use and contamination continue at today’s rate, in another 25 years the world will be using 90 percent of the available fresh water supply. Over 60,000 chemicals may be in a public water supply at one time, with only 91 currently being regulated.

These numbers are staggering and clearly suggest that there needs to be a better way to supply pure water in sufficient quantities. Perhaps there is. Atmospheric water generators are being marketed today. Simply put, they are devices that turn the humidity in the air into clean, pure drinking water. Basically, these machines are capable of providing an unlimited water supply since there is 12 quadrillion liters of water in the atmosphere at any given time. These units come in various sizes and the only limitation to how much water they can produce is each model’s size and capacity.

If there is the right mix of humidity, temperature, and altitude an atmospheric water generator (AWG) takes advantage of the natural process of condensation through dehumidification. There are two basic methods for how these devices work.

Most commercial models work on the same principle as air conditioners and dehumidifiers, although they do not produce cool air. The process starts with warm air gradually being turned to cold. This involves moving a compressed refrigerant throughout the machine. Outside air is pulled in and condensation from the air is left on coils that line the generator interior. This condensation is then drawn into a holding tank where it is filtered for impurities and then stored. It is held there until needed and can stay in this holding tank for extended periods of time because the machine refilters every so often to keep the water pure. This type of machine is especially valuable in parts of the world where people do not have access to clean water.

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