A Good Name is Better to be Chosen Than Riches

Reader Contribution by Amanda Stoffels
Published on January 27, 2014
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Chickens have become an addiction for me since becoming a farmer. Naming the chickens is a very big event with our family. As King Solomon once said, “A good name is better to be chosen than riches.” And so this is the story of my first successful attempt to add chickens to my first flock of three.  

Now my original three chickens were happy hens, but I truly felt that they needed a bigger family. Plus 1 to 2 eggs a day for a family of five are just not enough, so I went in search of how to add new chickens to my flock of three. Reading online I learned a few tips like, keep them separate for a while to make sure they are not sick, give them hiding spots when first introducing them, and even put them there after dark so the other hens will wake up and think, “oh I must have missed you yesterday. Come along, come along.” But the most important tip was if a chicken stays overnight in one location for 48 hours it will return there to roost again and again. After reading up on all the tips, I went looking for hens to buy as I did not want to wait the six to eight months it takes for more eggs. I found four Easter eager pullets that were a few weeks away from laying. It was perfect timing as it was close to Easter weekend. So I bought them as Easter gifts for the kids.

Knowing to keep them separate from my original flock for a while, I put them in a large dog crate on the side of the house until Easter Sunday. It was a challenge to keep them fed and watered without the kids finding them. My foster son told me, “Man, our chickens have gotten really loud lately.” I just nodded my head and kept going. Soon it was time to show the kids their Easter chickens! The kids were excited to have a chicken to call their own.

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