1946 was a good year for Cora. World War II was over, the farm was paid for; she, her husband and grown daughter were in good health. They were highly thought of in the community because they were hard workers and good producers. They cared for an orchard, bees, a vegetable garden, all kinds of poultry, hogs and cattle.
Cora also kept good records. Here are excerpts from her ledger:
Mar. Sold wheat $641.00
April 14, Sold 72 dozen eggs at 27 cents a dozen $19.44
July 1, Sold cream 14.45
4 quarts strawberries 2.00
A sample of her canning record: 17 quarts apples, 20 quarts blackberries, 4 gallon apple butter, 23 gallon meat fried down.
Next to the canning record was this note: “Went to the fair in Indianapolis on Wednesday. “
She recorded this information: “For moths in honey use carbon disulfide. Heat honey to 163 degrees for 3 minutes and it will not turn dark.”
For a moment in time, life was good.
Photo by Fotolia/sola_sola