What Is Your View?

Reader Contribution by Keba M Hitzeman
Published on June 16, 2020
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This swing makes me happy – I love the blue of the morning glory flowers

There are several groups that have come into existence on Facebook since the beginning of the year, centered around the theme of “a view from my window.” They ask for members to send a picture of just that – a view from their window, to provide other members with a glimpse into where they are during this world-wide stay-at-home time. Photos reflect many styles of living – near water, in high-rise apartments, rural, urban, suburban, manicured, “lived in,” well-to-do, just getting by, and everything in between. It’s been a fascinating look into how people see themselves and their view, by the choice of window/door they choose to take a picture from, to their text explaining that view. I would guess that many don’t submit a photo because they feel embarrassed because they don’t have a swimming pool, or live next to a nature preserve, or have a view of the sunrise or sunset. And some apologize for their view because they don’t have those things. I find all of the views beautiful because they are new to me – even the more familiar views I saw from Cincinnati and Columbus!

Many folks have included stories with their view – what they are doing while staying at home, who is with them, thoughts about the pandemic, a piece of history regarding their house, along with well-wishes for the people who are reading. At times, the poster will write about their own hopes and fears for the current situation and for what the future might hold, but that they are grateful for this time because they have been able to enjoy their home/family/neighborhood more.

Seeing so many varied views from all over the planet got me thinking about my own views. Each direction holds a different facet that doesn’t tell the whole story of this farm, but when you put them all together, the whole farm can be seen.

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