Go Green This Valentine’s Day

By Alpha Books
Published on January 10, 2021
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Consider purchasing used items first.
Consider purchasing used items first.
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Green is the new red for Valentine's Day.
Green is the new red for Valentine's Day.
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The Green Year offers 365 suggestions for going green.
The Green Year offers 365 suggestions for going green.

Make “green” the new red this Valentine’s Day. Show love for the planet by altering some traditional activities, making February a greener, more eco-friendly month. For example, Jodi Helmer, author of The Green Year, suggests:

  • Ordering organic roses for your Valentine, grown without pesticides or preservatives.
  • Surprising your Valentine with a candle lit dinner, turning the lights out saves energy.
  • Toasting your Valentine with organic wine produced locally (they travel the shortest distance from vineyard to table).
  • Snapping photographs of your Valentine with a digital camera, print your favorite images and store the rest electronically.
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