Take an opportunity for a deeper look at the natural world in which we live and work, and learn more about the Forest Guild during the Northwest Regional Guild Gathering, August 14-16. Using quantum science we can expand our awareness of our connection with all living things. Every life form that we encounter in the forest is making a statement by its presence about its “fitting” in the site that it occupies. How well does it partner in the continuous design and patterning of that site? What have we learned about humans’ fit in the forest? What more can we learn about our partnering in this continuous design?
Interspersed with discussions will be opportunities to tour Harold Macy’s Headquarters Creek Woodlot, a long-term stewardship on Crown (government) Land, and the Pottage Family Forest, where we will view and talk about their unique management programs.
The event takes place at Miracle Beach, on the east side of Vancouver Island, just south of the Campbell River, British Columbia. Camping sites are available on Richard and Sharon Hart’s property or the nearby provincial campground. The event offers the opportunity to extend your stay as vacation time with your family. A van will leave from Olympia, Washington, and travel to Tsawwassen, British Columbia, taking the ferry to Nanaimo.
For more on the Forest Guild, visit the website. To register or for more information, contact Jean Shaffer, 360-459-0946, jeanforest@cco.net, or Richard Hart, 250-337-5251, richardhart@shaw.ca.