Finding the Right Path

Reader Contribution by Wendy Slatt
Published on February 8, 2012
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Wendy Slatt head shotMy name is Wendy Slatt and the first thing you should know

about me is this: Being a farmer’s wife is not how I expected to live my life.  Of the long list of dreams and aspirations I had in my younger days,

“farmer’s wife” didn’t even make the cut. And that’s pretty telling, considering the list had a rather wide range of professions to choose from, like lawyer,

symphony conductor, voice actor, optometrist and aerobics instructor just to name a few. How on earth did I end up being a farmer’s wife and loving it?

Well, to start with, I was born the youngest child of a highly improbable pairing between an Italian from Brooklyn and a Tennessee hillbilly. (My mother

was loud and proud to proclaim herself a hillbilly, and I sure was never one to argue the point. If you’d known her, you wouldn’t either.) They met in

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