Not Just a Dishcloth

Reader Contribution by Heidi Nawrocki
Published on August 10, 2020
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Knitting is my therapy. When we first sold our home and moved into a teeny apartment, I needed an outlet to help with the stress that comes from building a new house. My husband worked insane hours so that we could spend three full days a week building the house. So, in the evenings after our son was in bed, I had some time on my hands. I needed a hobby that didn’t require much space and was portable. I tried to crochet, but failed miserably. So, I decided to try knitting.

We are fortunate to have a local yarn shop in our county. I stopped by one Saturday morning and spent the better part of an hour with the shop owner talking about needles and yarn. She got me set up with a set of needles and a good reference book. Later that evening, I got to work attempting to cast on. I’ve learned that casting on is the hardest part of knitting. The pictures in the book are wonderful, but I needed to see how to do it. I’m thankful for the internet and YouTube. I quickly caught on and have been knitting ever since. One of my first projects was a pumpkin hat for our son. Each season, I try to knit new hats for my kids as well as gifts for friends. Now that we have two kids, my free time is limited, but I still try to carve out time to knit.

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