Child-Led Living and Awakening Passion

By Becky And Andy
Published on January 16, 2012

I like this shot of Liam and Ethan rolling around together and reaching for the camera woman. Life isn’t always this rosy for these two boys. Ethan is nearly three and hitting some cognition milestones in which he’s realizing that life can be his fault, too. What I mean by that is he’s figuring out that bad things can happen and it just might be because of his actions (a time out after pushing over Liam, a bruised knee after running around a corner too fast, time spent alone in his room after throwing a tantrum over something he already knows we won’t give him). Needless to say, he’s really pushing the boundaries we set in this family, as a way to understand this new-found realization. Liam is pushing physical limits by crawling everywhere, achieving stairway mastery (both up and down) and cruising like crazy. He has taken a few hesitant steps, numbering no more than five in a row, for the last month. He’s been fooling all his immediate relatives into thinking “it’ll be any day now!” when he keeps relying on the tried and true crawl.

Together, Liam and Ethan are definitely attracted to each others’ boyness. They can be found plotting little boy schemes in hidden areas and the gentle beginnings of wrestling have already begun.

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