Challenges & Benefits of Country Living – Part 1: The Challenges

Reader Contribution by Victoria Gazeley
Published on April 5, 2012
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If you can count on me for anything, it’s to give you the straight goods on country living.   No fluff.

You’re not going to find me waxing poetic about how la-de-da wonderful everything is every moment of every day – especially when it comes to the real benefits and challenges of living in the country.

Let me kick this off by making it super clear that I LOVE living in the woods.  I’ve been back here for 3-and-a-half years (after growing up in the area many moons ago), and I can honestly say that (at this point anyway) I never want to live in the city again.  Visit, for sure.  But to live full-time?  Absolutely not

But I can’t help but feel for people who are seduced by books and articles and sometimes friends and acquaintances painting a ridiculously rosy picture of the rural life.  I’m sure we’ve all heard the stories of the city-dwellers who packed up everything and moved to the country, assuming they’d done their research, only to find they couldn’t make friends, hated the neighbor’s wayward cows, and spent too many hours commuting to their jobs, completely blowing their new found ‘quality of life’ right out of the water.

So today, I wanted to get my own list of challenges of rural living down ‘on paper’ (pros/benefits to follow in my next post).  If it helps even one person considering a move from the city to ensure their decision is the right one for them, I’ll be happy!  Country living is amazing, but it’s definitely not for everyone.  I definitely don’t have all the answers – far from it – and I’ve made a very LONG list of my own mistakes.  That said, I hope this helps:

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