Once Upon a Time, Between the Pages of a Book

Reader Contribution by Cindy Murphy
Published on January 12, 2009
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Once upon a time, there were no computers, and no Internet. Remember going to the library to look up information? Remember first digging through the card catalog to find out where to look for that information?

Remember libraries? And books?

Computer technology certainly has made things quicker and easier. I can’t count how many times I’ve searched the Internet in the last week seeking blurbs of information, most of which has no use except to satisfy my curiosity. But what if technology were the demise of things like books with actual pages to turn, and libraries to hold them?

My friend received a Sony Digital Reader this Christmas. Completely portable, it’s a small thing about the size of an average address book, but can hold up to 160 e-books. It also has an MP3 player, so she can listen to music while she reads – all with the same gadget. All she has to do is go to an e-book website – many of the books offered are free, and download what ever looks good to her. Ta-da! She’s got a virtual library at her fingertips. It looks so simple that even the technically inept, such as myself, can easily use one.

It’s all very cool and hi-tech … and sterile. There is something to me that seems so comforting about turning the well-worn pages of a book. I watched as she explained how it worked, and it made me want to read a real book … feeling the weight of it resting in my lap, the stiff paper under my fingertips … feeling the tangiblesubstance of it.

I posted the topic on a message board I belong to, and the responses that followed I found interesting.

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