This is my very first blog post for GRIT. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am!! By way of introduction, here’s a little about what prompted me to start blogging:
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with our country’s pioneering era. I can’t even explain how much I admire our ancestors that struck out into the unknown to start a new life out West. I devour every fiction book I can find set in that time period. I often joke that if there is such a thing as having lived another life, that I must have been there.
As my wonderful hubby and I venture to be much more self-sustaining, I’m going to try and blog about our attempts and adventures in raising our own food, food storage, animal care, etc.
This fall, we were finally able to purchase a little tract of land and hope to be living on it full-time this coming year. It’s so hard to explain how it’s everything we hoped for in a homestead, but thought that perfect place either didn’t exist, or would be something we’d never be able to afford. Such a sense of peace flows over us every minute we are there. That piece of property has felt like home since the first time we laid eyes on it.
Wish us luck – with the venture itself and my attempts to chronicle it!