They Are So Wild

Reader Contribution by Arkansas Girl
Published on December 1, 2014
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One morning when we awoke, we heard a strange noise outside the house. My Dad went to investigate and found a lone, baby fox, shivering in the cold, I had never seen a fox, and I’m not sure where that one came from. But Dad made sure he didn’t make it back to the clan. It’s not clear how he killed it, but he made sure that it was no longer a threat to us or anyone else. Sorry, animal rights’ activists, but I guess Dad felt he just couldn’t let that one off the hook.

We knew there were bobcats in the forest. One day when we were traveling on one of the back roads, a bobcat near the highway ran into the woods. That was my first and last time seeing one. I’m not even sure what they’re kin too. I think of them as large, oversize, undomesticated, house cats. They are, however, native to Arkansas.

Photo: Fotolia/hkuchera

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