In Eastern Idaho this year, we have been inundated with an overabundance of voles in the fields, pastures and yards. Their population was so numerous that I was actually seeing them in broad daylight. Because of their excessive numbers this year, I thought they should inspire me to something, so this little jiggle is what transpired. A word to the wise for others with vole problems, keep grass killed from the base of young trees this summer; in return the voles will be less likely to eat the tender bark off your trees next winter. A girdled tree will die.
The Vigorous Vole
It’s a little gray vole.
Nope, not a mole.
Busy digging a hole,
When the night’s black as coal.
By morning he’s taken a toll,
On my lawn at each knoll;
Dirt raised into a roll,
Enough grass to fill a bowl.
His habits are less than droll.
To be rid of him is my goal.
Well, bless my soul,
I just saw another vole!
damage by voles | photo courtesy Living, Learning, Sharing…