Walkabouts – Capturing the Simple Beauty Around Us

Reader Contribution by Tammy Williams
Published on March 12, 2010
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We have lived on this farm about 30 years. Although I have a deep and true appreciation for all that we have and all that is around us, there is nothing that has made me actually see my surroundings like a Walkabout. For me, the walkabout is walking (sometimes driving) around the yard and farm with camera in hand. Occasionally, I veer off the path slightly by taking in and capturing the view on the way to work. Or sometimes the Mr. and I go for a drive somewhat off the beaten path, but still in our neck of the woods. The entire purpose is to view and share our surroundings. By doing this, it also helps us to fully embrace the simple beauty in our everyday life.

Here is a Walkabout from January. The snow was beautiful, but we were already growing weary of winter at this point. I traveled about the snowy yard and captured random images which caught my eye that day.

A snowy hay field; a promise of Spring in buds on a tree; barn kitty Hazel in said tree; our neighbors’ corn field; sparkling “diamonds” in the snow; icicles on our old farmhouse; snow “dunes” created by the strong north winds.

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