Twisters, Flintstones, and Pink Alpacas!

Reader Contribution by Suzanne Cox
Published on March 6, 2012
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So what do twisters, Flintstones, and pink alpacas have in common? They all played a major role in our family weekend! No, I really haven’t lost my senses. I was asked to judge performance for the 2012 Southern Select alpaca show in Shelbyville, TN. Since Shelbyville is just 1½ hours from home, Andrew and I thought it would be nice to take the family. The kids have been to an alpaca show before, but never one where I was judging. As the week progressed and our travel date approached, the weather was not looking so good. The weather reports were calling for severe storms, tornadoes, hail, and high winds. We decided to leave early Friday, to try and get ahead of the storms.

Friday morning we hustled to get farm chores done and get everyone packed up and on the road. Macey and William were so excited to be going on “vacation.” The first sign things that day may not go so well was the high winds. When wind speeds are high enough to collapse your pig shelter, you know things are about to get rough! So we get on the road and head on out. We get to Shelbyville just as the skies are turning grey. When we pulled up to the hotel, I ran in quickly hoping to get our things in before the storm came. However, when I told the desk clerk who I was, he found no reservation for us. After calling another nearby hotel, we discovered our reservation was on the other side of town in the direction we had already past. A funnel cloud had just been spotted 16 miles from us, and the desk clerk suggested we go as quickly as possible to check in before the storm hit. So back out I go, and once again we were racing across town.

When we arrived at our hotel, I ran in to get the key, and Andrew and I collected as much as we could carry and raced in with the kids. As he opened our hotel room door and I stepped inside, my mouth dropped open. Our tiny room held one bed. I asked the desk clerk for another room with double beds, only to discover there were none. With only a few hotels in the area, and all of them booked for the alpaca show, our options were nonexistent. So I headed grumpily back to the room to settle in and ride out the storm. 

With three kids and two adults in one very small room, we were all a little tense and restless. We kept the TV tuned in to the weather and watched as weather warnings popped up all across the state. When the storm reached us, we could definitely see it coming! With tornado sirens blaring, fire trucks racing up the road, and the kids huddled in the corner, I began snapping pictures out our window. Here you can see the wall cloud passing over us. I had to step away and close the window when the hail came.

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