Summer time and the living is easy?

Reader Contribution by Nebraska Dave
Published on July 9, 2013
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The weather outside is really nice here in Nebraska.  We are having upper 50s or lower 60s at night with lower to mid 80s during the day.  The rains have continued with regularity up until this week.  This will be the first week without rain if the predictions come true.  The gardens are growing gang busters and so are the weeds.  All about that in a minute.

I thought first of all in this post I’d talk about a couple tips for GRIT posting that I’ve been using for many months.  Some of you may have been wondering just how does old Nebraska Dave get those paragraph breaks in the comments?  When I write a comment, it’s written in my email application or you can use notebook. Any text editor will work.  When the comment is complete just copy and paste into the comment section of the post you are leaving a comment.  The paragraph break will paste into the comment section.

The next tip is about completing the post in one sitting.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to save the half written post and finish it another day?  Well, you can.  When pictures are uploaded into a post they stay on the website even if the post is lost.  Once again if a half written post is selected and copied from the HTML mode of the post into an email or any text editor it can be saved.  Then the next time the GRIT post application is opened up just copy it back into the GRIT post app in the HTML mode.  Switch back to the normal mode and every thing is back just the way it was when work on the post was stopped.  It works really well if a post can’t be finished in one day or a break is needed to attend to other needs.  Like right here.  I just took a couple days off from this post to help build an entry way flower bed which involved retaining wall blocks but more about that later as well.

Another thing that has happened to me that may have happened to you is having a post just disappear in the middle of writing it.  That every happen to you?  It mostly happened to me while I’m in the process of uploading a picture.  I’ve gotten in the habit of copying the HTML code over to my text editor before uploading any pictures.  So if it should happen to disappear, all I have to do is paste it back in the post generator and I’m back in business without any Oh (expletives) involved.

Now I understand that the blogging will change again for the better so this information may be outdated after July 12th.  We will have o see won’t we.

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