“If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute and it will change.” That’s a famous saying in Vermont and March 25th was no exception. The morning started out blustery and cold and then snow started to fall. Not a big blizzard, but just enough flakes to make Khrysta look as though she had dandruff.
I grabbed a cup of tea and headed to sit by the wood stove and listen to the wind howl and rattle our windows. But sure enough, late afternoon came, and the wind ceased, and a weak sun made an appearance.
I grabbed my camera and headed up the pasture where Khrysta and I surveyed the mountains.
And, as I admired the light, so quintessentially Vermont in it’s ever changing hues
Three deer appeared.
They were so close. I was sure they would flee but they didn’t.
Their tails were so white and fluffy and long.
And they are still so very young.
But already best friends.
I stayed for a while in no hurry to break the spell. And despite the wind that whipped around my face, I could feel spring all around me; Khrysta rooting for new blades of tender grass and the deer, once again down from their winter home in the woods on the top of Red Pine Mountain.
If you’d like to read more about Red Pine Mountain, my new web page is up and running. I share daily life around our farm, pictures, readers stories and more. I hope you’ll join us at Red Pine Mountain.