Backyard Chickens For Fun And Eggs

Reader Contribution by Tobias Whitaker
Published on November 30, 2015
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Our family homesteads on 1/16th of an acre in a sleepy village in southern New York State. We are nestled between Oneonta and Binghamton N.Y. Chickens play an important role on our micro-farm in regards to our effort for self-sufficiency.

Initially, because space was limited, our main focus was on egg production. So our first hens were Leghorns. Though a Mediterranean breed they fared surprisingly well in our harsh New York winters. During peak production each of our Leghorns were easily laying 300 eggs a year.

As time wore on I found that raising chickens was far more valuable to me than simply how many eggs were produced. Simply put I enjoy being around them. It may sound kind of funny but at times it reminds me of watching a fish tank. The hens, even flighty leghorns, lull you into a state of calm while watching them peck and scratch at the dirt. Before I knew it I was on the lookout for other breeds.

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