Chick Fever: Build Your Flock Wisely

Reader Contribution by Kristi Cook
Published on March 9, 2018
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I’m a sucker for the eye candy unashamedly displayed in each year’s poultry catalogs. The tantalizing White Leghorns, suave Black Australorps, and seductive Ameraucanas beckon to me from every page. And every year I do a mental head count to see if I have room for more. Most years, I do need to add to the flock but some years, like this one, I really don’t need any more. But… I could squeeze in a few more… maybe.

When you get spring chick fever, beware. If you haven’t experienced this unusual phenomenon common to most flock owners, know that the moment you purchase your first chick, you’re infected — you just don’t know it yet. Chicks are kind of like ticks. Once you get one, before you know it you have 20. Then 30. Then you’re in the egg business for no other reason than to justify your “chicken” addiction. Ask me how I know…

However, regardless of how you wind up checking out the chicks in the glossy magazines be sure to follow a few sound guidelines when making selections to ensure you build a flock that meets your needs.

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