You Should Raise Pigs

Reader Contribution by Gavin Dinnel
Published on February 19, 2016
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What a great response to our last post about our pigs arriving on the farm! I had a lot of questions about how we take care of our pigs here at Dinner Time Farm and so I’m going to tell you all about it! There are many different and great ways to raise pigs, but this is how we do it!

Take the time to sketch out where you want the pigs to be. There are things you want to think about ahead of time. Where is their water and feed going to be? How am I going to contain them? And here’s one that doesn’t get thought of until it’s too late: how am I going to load them to take them to the processor — or where is my slaughterer going to be able to get to these pigs? To be honest, that last one wasn’t one we thought about until our mobile slaughterer showed up ready to take them in. Luckily, our gate was positioned in a place where they could back right up to it.

Now that you’ve sketched out where you want the pigs, and where your gate(s) will be positioned, you can start to think about how to contain them. We use a physical barrier (fence) and a psychological barrier (electric). This gives us peace of mind and also some symmetry, as our other pasture uses the same woven wire fence but no electric. We use woven wire fence typically used for goats. It’s 48 inches high and looks really good. We just used T posts to attach it to. On the inside we ran two levels of polytape. When the pigs are full grown the lower line will be right about their chest and the upper will be right at their head. We have a double ground rod system and a plug-in fence charger. The pigs learn that the polytape is not something to be touched very quickly.

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