Two New Kids on the Block

Reader Contribution by Erin Baldwin
Published on February 12, 2014
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Here at Cooper Run we survived the deep freeze, and the thaw … and the deep freeze again. Winters can be long around these parts, and we are used to the snow; but this winter has seemed exceptionally harsh. While the snowfall has been below average, the temperatures have remained brutally cold week after week, with the occasionally warm-up thrown in. Just a few weeks ago we saw the temperatures dip as low as minus 25 (with a minus 50 degree wind chill), followed by temperatures in the 50s and downpours.

The extreme temperatures forced us to take extra precautions with the goats; making sure everyone had plenty of fluffy bedding, checking for drafts in the barns and even running heat lamps when necessary. We expected most of our goats to kid in early spring, but our newest addition, Jill, was bred before she moved into the herd and delivered two baby goats on January 22 as the thermometer read minus 4 degrees.

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