Goat Feet and Hoof Care

For healthier, happier goats, create a plan to clean, trim, and maintain their hooves.

By Kristi Cook
Published on December 8, 2020
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by Adobestock/galitskaya
When trimming avoid snipping or nicking the tender pink tissue on the sole of the goat’s hoof.

For healthier, happier goats, create a plan to keep goat feet clean, trim, and maintain their growing hooves.

A goat’s hooves require proper care in order to keep the animal healthy and thriving. Left uncared for, lameness will occur via overgrown toes, hoof rot, hoof scald, and abscesses. With continued neglect, the pain becomes so great that the goat becomes incapable of walking on its feet, causing it to crawl along on its knees as it attempts to forage. Soon, starvation sets in as its feeble attempts at crawling become insufficient to sustain life. However, in most cases, these ailments are preventable through regular hoof trimmings, sound pasture management, and good nutrition.

person holding goats hooves that are overgrowngoat standing in a truck bed with overgrown hoovesan infected overgrown goat hoofunderside of an overgrown goat hoof trimmed down
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