The New Year Came In With Wind And Rain

Reader Contribution by Ginnie Baker
Published on January 5, 2015
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I thought the weather on Christmas was strange but it isn’t any better for the New Year. It’s January 4 and the temperature hit a high of 52 degrees overnight with high winds and rain. This is not typical for this part of Ohio.

On Saturday morning, very early, the rain changed to freezing rain and led to a number of accidents including one very sad fatality at a rest stop. A pickup truck slid into the side of a semi at the rest stop. The semi driver got out of his truck and was struck and killed by another pickup that was sliding on the ice. Very sad.

I really missed a white Christmas. The snow makes everything look so special. With all the rain we’ve had, it’s just muddy and brown.

The birds have been eating up all the bird seed and suet as soon as we put it out. The joke at our local feed store is that we’re feeding all the birds in our county! They may be right especially last year during a snow storm!

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